Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Peanut Butter Cookies

     Well.. I knew it wouldn't be long before I hit my first hurdle.  Tonight was the night.  I wanted to bake something new for my New Year's in Vermont this year.  After checking out my new Martha Stewart book Cookies (a Chanukah gift... people are starting to note my interest in baking!), I decided on a peanut butter cookie.  I mainly chose it because it has a smooth top, and I wanted to add some decoration on something other than a sugar cookie.  I was excited to try my new baking decorating tools (thanks to my lovely hubby, also a Chanukah gift!).  
If anyone knows an easier way to fix
this, please leave a comment!
     The trouble started when I pulled out the brown sugar.  Instead of being grainy and soft, it seemed to be all stuck together as a solid hard block.  I literally had to chop bits of the sugar off the block, until it filled up the 1/2 cup... It took me about 45 minutes and two knife selections.  Quite a tribulation, but it would be worth it, so I thought.
      The rest of the cookie baking went pretty smoothly... some peanut butter, peanuts, butter, flour, vanilla, and 1 egg later, my cookies were ready for the oven.  In they went.  No smoke alarms this time, but when they were ready I started to notice that the cookies were falling apart quite easily.  Maybe they were still too hot?  After waiting some time, they started staying together a little more, but after a quick taste test, could tell that these cookies were not how I pictured them to be.... they tasted a bit dry with the feeling there was something missing.  I checked the recipe list and noted that I had followed it pretty closely, with the exception of using imitation vanilla and not sifting the flour.  I'm going to guess the flour was my downfall.  Next baking item I need to pick up is a sifter.
       On the plus side, I picked up a tip during this baking quest to give the cookie a nice flat shape (read it in the book).  After you put a spoonful of batter on the baking tray, dip the bottom of a drinking glass (or the top of the no-stick baking spray in my case) in flour, and push down on the cookie to flatten.  I'll remember that one.
      I'm still deciding if it's worth it to decorate the cookie.  The icing may help the taste.  Stay tuned to find out...


  1. Hi Jess! It's Rachel :) Clicked here from the link you posted on FB. I'm excited to see what else you make as you learn new baking skills. I haven't yet baked anything. I'm trying to learn how to cook so I can feed my fiance next year when we're finally married!

    I remember the flour sifter from "Foods" in junior high. I didn't think it was that important then, but I guess it is!

  2. Hi Jess! Cute blog! Tip for brown sugar. When you open the bag/box, put a marshmallow in the brown sugar when you store it. It keeps the brown sugar from getting hard. Can't wait to see what you make next. :)

  3. Hi Rachel! It's great to hear from you! When you wrote that, it reminded me that I won the "Foods" award at graduation!! And I didn't even think the teacher knew who I was haha. I don't remember a thing from that class except I believe we made english muffin pizzas?

    I'm not a great cook either, and everyone says baking and cooking is very different. I wonder if anything I learn will carry over. Let me know if you pick up any tips while you cook too! Both our husband and fiance will soon be happy and well fed :)

  4. Hana I LOVE that tip! I'm definitely going to do that!

  5. I remember we learned how to make biscuits, and the teacher kept saying we could use the recipe to wrap around a "frankfurter." I still distinctly remember how she used to pronounce that, haha.

    Anyway, I love when people I know in real life have blogs. They're more fun to read! I have a blog as well, but it's about crafting with some random real life updates as well: I told myself I'd chronicle the few meals I make here and there when I practice, but when I'm in the midst of actually cooking and following the recipe, I don't seem to remember to get the camera! I should keep that in mind because I really liked seeing your steps in photographs from the swirl cookie.
