Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mouth Sugar Cookies

It's mid-June which can only mean 1 thing, the end of school and a looong vacation..... I wish.  For kids with autism, school is year round.  I actually had the option to take off, but I decided to stick around for the summer.  Even though I'm not looking forward to a long break from work, it's still the end of another successful school year which feels like a big accomplishment.  A large division of SLPs in the DOE (or Speech Language Pathologists in the Department of Education for those of you who don't know the lingo) got together today to celebrate with something we call "Feeding Therapy."  For our "Feeding Therapy," we had a luncheon in which we all brought our own meal... and volunteers were asked to bring dessert.  How could I say no to another opportunity to bake.  I thought about what to make for 40 hungry and tired speech therapists, and I decided to go full out 'speech dork' and try to make people smile.  I made sugar cookies in the shape of mouths.  What better way to honor SLPs and Communication, and the hard work we've done all year long.
I had some fun experimenting with how to ice the mouths.  Here are some of the outtakes.

And here is how I eventually decided to do them.

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